Monday, September 28, 2009

Evolutionary Progressive Grassroots Democracy Solidarity...

... Yeah old E.P.G.T.D.S.- a movement needed in this country to solidify and unite all of the progressive Democracy types out there and through doing that bring the Democratic Party back to or closer to actually representing the interests of the people in this country- and in delivering on what they claim to be "for" when they go before the people at election time and insist that they're Democrats. And now, with Obama having pulled off the shocking reality of getting himself elected- largely by appealing to the hope for change in many- but especially the progressive radical lefty types who have been most marginalized in "Mainstream" American electoral politics with the right wing pendulum swing we have been on since Nixon/Agnew (with a little help from speechwriting nabobs of business right libertarian hegemony)- now such a Solidarity Movement might be needed more than ever because Obama's win has galvanized the right into pulling out all the stops of an obstructionist "hoping he'll fail" campaign and the Democrats thinking they are safe to continue their incrementalist "Republican Light" appeasement, capitulation, working toward bipartisanship, and miscellaneous other weak kneed drivel that has definately helped things get this bad in the first place.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The 30% solution...

... as the G-20 meetings take place in Pittsburgh- just 100 or so miles to the Southeast of where I sit now in a 9th and 10th grade day of "intro to life science" classes... subbing my brains out... and these kids, more the cool hip kids than your College Prep Ap set- show a fundamental reality of the Great Divide in the economy, in education, and opportunity structure.
The elephant at the dinner table of any talk of Democracy, development, change, justice, jobs, globalization (it's simply inevitable according to wunderkind Bary `O Bama, which of course means that pretty much all of the fundamental "reforms" or core changes that are needed, many of them he gave support to that helped him get elected on the hope for meaningful change that he partly inspired and partly he simply, as it turns out, utilized to get elected... in other words he road the wave of hope for real sea change only to come to power already marginalized and co-opted be the structures of economic power that override any attempt at Democratic power over their operational structures and systems that give us a world and conditions that those of us who yearn for that change live in the "RealEconomique" consequences of every day. Not to mention the social, cultural, educational, and political consequences of...
Which brings us back to the 30% solution- to be discussed next post...

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Great Polarization Divide... really nothing more than the current incarnation of the culture wars of the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and of course- the Oughts. Which up until Obama got himself elected meant the Age of the Cheney-Bush-Neocon Nutjob Ascendancy that started with the stealing of the 2000 Presidential election from the guy who won the popular vote and Florida but who stepped aside politely because, hey, that's what mainstream Democrats do: they wimp out in the face of right wing extremist bluster because in the final analysis they don't want to believe that the system they do so reasonably well themselves in could be as corrupted and in need of radical overhaul as it is. That, and the way that corruption works is that they get their share and the Right wing reactionary zealots get theirs and if our good Nation and Democracy itself are in peril then hey, we'd better not point that out too stridently or we might be schmeared as un-American commie socialists and lose our slice of that juicy and ever more corrupted pie.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Restarting with a vengeance...

...well, restarting anyway. And this time it's with an eye to making the pro Democracy activist thing a party styled real world entity- and that means party in the sense that we, once this deal is launched and it's more than just a me thing, stage events and shindigs of all shapes and styles in order to help raise the monies necessary to carry on the necessary work proposed all the "our democracy first" writing and proposals I throw out there...
