Friday, March 2, 2012

The ongoing torment of things as they are... not salved by OWS or any of the really great and true sounding stuff I find as I check things out on the Web. All of what needs to be seen and said is "out there" in the ether and to a less easy to discern extent, in the real world. The progressive Democracy advocates are organizing and working and writing and "speaking truth to power" as good as they are able. And so far, sadly, and to the peril of all of us bozos on this careening out of control bus of a massive ongoing "right wing backlash", it's not good enough. We are at a tipping point. The possibility of meaningful change in a way that is for the better and good of us all and all- it's getting more and more remote with each passing election cycle, with each new season of American idol... with each new brilliant incite into what freedom really is expounded on by one of the four remaining Repube Presidential candidates. Very inspiring leaders, them boys...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gearing up to get this whole pro democracy movenment in the USA started...

Not that there isn't a whole lot of work in this very area being done by a whole lot of people... and I am not proposing to be inventing the wheel here. What I am planning to do, though, is communicate with everyone I have ever come across in my reading, education, Web travels, and regular old real world life that I think might be a potential ally and collaborator in trying to build the kind of pro Democracy movement I will be constantly and probably, knowing me, repetitively calling for in the U.S.- our own country- as I develop and promote my Web presence that describes, advocates, and seeks support for what I am proposing. Ultimately the goal is not for me to just have a successful Web presence or Blog or Twitter following- or even a successful independent Web Site that, you know, allows me to- quoting Bruce Springsteen now: "Get a little something for myself..." Though Lord knows, that would be nice.

But the goal is to actually be a part in helping to organize enough of my fellow American citizens to actually make changes in the direction we are going as a nation and a society that I feel if we don't make- and soon- it will be too late and our Democracy, along with many of our now taken for granted freedoms and opportunities in life will become little more than elite and corporate spin doctoring and PR (not to mention a nice Citizen United windfall for mainstream media at election time) about how the "Free Market" and our "Job Creators" are the source of all we should be collectively thankful for.
