Thursday, January 7, 2010

Back at it : Internet and Blogging potential to effect meaningful Progressive Re-Democratization...

Th07Jan10, 4:25 PM.
“Blogging and Internet Potential to Effect Meaningful Progressive Democratic Change”

More and more as I gear up, ramp up, amp up my blogging toward real world real time right here right now “JDI just doing it y’all time” I think- where this all can lead has to be something more than what it’s doing so far. There seems to be two main camps on the “Potential” democratizing effects the Internet in general and the roll of blogging specifically might or should have on things. Meantime if you look around the Internet and read blogs of various partisan stripes you will find that everything under the sun is “out there”. One can pick and choose from all manner of quality and partisan niches.

So just because something is being blogged about don’t really matter. It don’t mean squat. But the big thing is the potential for a different kind of “Citizen Journalism”- yeah sure that- to evolve but also along with it new kinds of capabilities for citizen activism to emerge which might ideally level the playing field and ultimately take money out of the ultimate equation enough so that the interests of the American people might be put first rather than marginalized in the interest of serving the needs of the biggest players in Imperial Global Capitalism.

Somewhere somebody once said that if only the people who actually benefited and thrived under the policies of Ronald RayGun’s administrations had voted for him he’d have gotten maybe 5% of the popular vote. Now I think that may be a wee bit of an exaggeration but still… even if 15% could be argued the fact is that the conservative majority has been built on a foundation of duplicity, false advertising, election stealing, wholesale crooked and anti Democracy gerrymandering, and buying elections with their almost unfathomable material resource advantage. Which is only worsening as the “Income Divide of this New Gilded Age” (formerly linked here to dialogD Web Page on Unequal Wealth) gets worse with every newly occurring shakeout or adjustment in the “Global Economy”.

When will it become obvious enough that there can be no meaningful Democracy, economic justice, or much of a civil society (outside of the gated communities and corporate green zone bunker communities of the one percenters) when the wealthiest 1% of a country owns or controls 60+% of the wealth? Or at least obvious enough for the American people to wake up from there delusion that we’re all in this together and that our National elites are operating in the best interests of all of us out here who are just scuffling to get by? And by waking up I mean taking the kind of civic and Democratic action necessary to get us onto a different path with significantly more heart than the one displayed by Faux Macho Neocon insanity or their other side of the aisle, complicitous, limp wristed, “bipartisan opposition”- the incrementalist mainstream Democratic Party.

That’s where the potential of blogging and the internet and more efficient and coordinated progressive grass roots organizing can come into the mix in a more profound way than ever in the history of the Union. Because, as Martin Luther King once said:
"Those who love peace must learn to organize as well as those who love war."

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